Sunday, October 25, 2009

What could this be please help?

My stomach started hurting, like I had gas pains,I took gas x and no relief. I went to work holding my stomach, my stomach is making noises, and bad migrain headache 2 days now, I had my gallbladder out in november so its not that. tylenol every 4 hrs not helping I think my stomach feels bloated, what do u think it is. Thanks
I would consult your physician due to the fact that you had your gall bladder removed and having pains now. Might not be your stomach persay but something else. Usually all your organs play a vital role in the function of your body systems and missing one can make or cause a problem in another organ or system. Kind of like a car missing a part. It might run but definetly not very good. Always best to be safe then sorry.
Maybe you have gastroenteritis.
PMS perhaps, or u may need some pepcid Ac.
Fill an empty pepsi bottle with hot water and put on belly.
Put a magnet on belly(neg. side against skin)
What part of your stomach is hurting? Upper part by your ribs or lower part like where your bladder is? you need to be more specific.
Stop taking tylenol, it irritates your stomach and that much of it will harm your liver, don't take asprin either. If it's hurting that bad for that long you really need to see a doctor, it could be any number of things.
I don't know,but you need to go straight to the doctor right now!I could be something very serious!That's what they went to school for!You think?
ask your doctor.
have you been tested for krohn's disease? i'm no expert but, i've known several people afflicted with the disease and your symptoms are similar

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