Saturday, October 31, 2009
What do you people think about no smoking in public places?
Why take away all our rights? They should accomodate us. Keep the non-smokers out of public so us smokers can have our freedom. If you dont like it, stay indoors. I vote. I have rights.
love it! no more smoke getting blown in my face, my hair and clothes don't stink anymore...
I think it is great idea!I personally believe that in years to come,there will be a decrease in lung cancer among non-smokers who work in areas where people smoke.
it's a law that was 25yrs overdue.
I think it's definitely a good, fair thing. If somebody wants to ruin THEIR lungs, and make THEIR air smell like crap and stuffy, just let them do it, but not around us that don't want it.
Simple reasoning.
I am very happy someone took the initiative to protect non-smokers from 2nd hand smoke. I remember seeing on television this one time where this lady years ago worked at this truck stop around smokers. Developed lung cancer as a result of 2nd hand smoke. Good for em and especially good for us, all the non-smokers out there.
I agree with it b/c when people smoke, they have no control over where the cigarette smoke floats, and for those of us who choose not to smoke, we don't want or like to inhale smoke.
its about time
smokers don't care where the blow off the nasty smoke
It stinks and so do they.
So great! I wish we could extend the no smoking rule to the streets. A guy on the sidewalk randomly flicked his ashes in the air once, and the burning chunk landed in my shirt and burned my chest. Smoking is hazardous in more ways than one!
bars should be ok but family places i can see not and i am a smoker but we don't smoke in our new home or our cars
we have friends who don't and my grandbaby stays with me alot so we just don't in alot of places but to go out to dinner and have a drink i see nothing wrong with it
After smoking forty years I quit and started to be bothered by smoking. I can see that second hand smoke is a problem however I still have friends that smoke and like to go to dinner or have a drink with them. We have a "no smoking" rule where I live, however some bars have built or made a "smoking room". We have our meal in the non-smoking room then have drinks in the smoking area. Works for everyone.
i think its the best thing theve done this year!
Personally, I hate smoking and think this is a very good idea. Not only does this help others knock the habit, but for people who don't smoke and breathe in secondhand smoke, they have a greater chance of developing lung cancer. Besides, who wants to step on used cigarette butts wherever they go?
I think that it is GREAT!! It is not good for people to smoke right in people's faces when all the other people are just trying to eat a good lunch or something! Thats how people get sick from second hand smoke!!!
A no smoking section in a diner is like a no peeing section in a pool. Who wants to inhale somebodys 2nd hand smoke. I sure don't so its a good thing.
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