Sunday, October 25, 2009

What do i do if i took 2600 mg of caffine?

The lethal doseage of caffiene in a human is between 150 and 200 mg per kilogram, a 100 lb person roughly weighs about 45.4 kg, if we use 150 mg as the lowest lethal dose, the lowest lethal dose 6810 mg. HOWEVER everyone is different, you may weigh more or less, and your body may not take to kindly to all of the caffiene, so if I were you I would keep an eye on your heart rate, and pulse, and all over how your body feels, if it gets really bad, better to be safe than sorry and go to the hospital, but you should be alright.
It takes about 150-200mg/kg to kill you.
Run around the block on fire.
Check yourself into a rehab.
Not sure how big of a dose this is but if you are actually jonesing you may want to go to the vitamin store and get some "golden seal". This will help remove any meds out of your system in a shorter time than waiting for them to work their way out. (Purchase either the liquid or a soft gel -they work the fastest) I always have some on hand in case I take a med that doesn't agree with me.
Panic and prepare for meltdown hahaha
Well the recommended/suggested amount is 300mg per day maximum, which is Three 8 oz cups of coffee(approx.). Not sure why you took that much caffeine, but if your heart is racing or you feel sick go to the Emergency Room.
Well, thats the equivelent of about 32 cups of coffee. Do you have any chores or jobs around the house that you've been putting off? I suggest you get as much done as you can before the crash comes. However, don't do anything that requires a steady hand. Maybe clean, clean, clean..then eat, then clean, clean, clean, then eat, then clean clean clean..

PS This is not your mother
People vary as to how much caffeine affects them. The biggest concern would be how it affects your heart rhythm. I have seen people in the ER and ICU from caffeine and it was no laughing matter! Here are some sites with info for symptoms and treatment.
I would plan on what I was going to do for the night, because I do believe it's going to be a long one.

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