Saturday, October 31, 2009

What do you do when you lose your voice?

and no stupid answers like -go find it.
You want to try to relax the strained muscles in the area. You can do this by:

1.) Relaxing your voice. Don't speak or sing if you don't have to.

2.) Drink hot liquids. Tea with honey and lemon is a well-known option.

3.) Avoid liquids that can dehydrate you, such as alcohol or caffeine.

4.) Drink lots of water.

5.) Stay out of smoky or dry environments. Those can just aggravate the problem.

If your symptoms don't improve after a week to two weeks, or you have pain that is not from a cold, you should see a doctor.
When you begin puberty
start writeing stuff down on paper and hope the other person can read if they can't read your screwed
Easy just drink some warm wate rwith honey and dont speak for at least 2 days!! SERIOUSLY DONT TALK. It'll be fine dont worry.
Do hand motions and make faces.
Drinks lots of water, try not to yell/shout too much. In the morning gurgle a cup of salt water (about half a teaspoon of salt and mix it with a cup of water) and do the same thing at night. It helps kill the germs and makes it feel better.
Lemon juice. Swish it around before swallowing. Cough drops help too.
gargle salt water.
Honey %26 Lemon juice mixed together!! its nasty as all hell, but it works SO fast!! Trust me!
Depending on what caused it. If it lasts for more than a few days or is accompanied by other symptoms, go see a doctor. Rest your vocal chords in the meanwhile. It's likely that the chords are swollen and don't rest and plenty of liquids is best. Stay away from smoke, allergens and pollution (also perfumes, strong-smelling cleaning products).sip warm lemon water and if you are not allergic to it or diabetic then take a tablespoon of raw honey about every hour.(I'm not a Dr. so use your own best judgment).

Good luck

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